The downriggers are getting a workout the last couple days. Lots of bites and scratched bait and also many undersize fish to keep us busy between keepers. Most keepers and less silvers fishing bait and hoochies from 115-220 on the wire in 180 -220 ft of water. We got the 14 keeper salmon we needed before noon today on a nice ocean. Fish size were all over with the smallest at 24 1/4″ to the biggest at 22 lbs. Yesterday I ran two half day trips and we got 5 fish for 4 anglers on the morning run and 5 fish for 5 anglers on the afternoon run. Lots of fish caught and bites even though we didn’t get the limits for them in the shorter timeframe. It was nice to get a lot of great people out on some great salmon fishing on a nice ocean on an all amaerican weekend the last few days. Hope everyone had a happy forth and look forward for the summer fishing to keep getting better and better. I have plenty of room as of now from about the 26th of this month on till the oct 31st closures, so call to get the dates you want locked in.