31 July 2014 Freezer filling good times Had the same group the last 3 days and it played out just right. We got 6 salmon and then...
28 July 2014 Halibut limits for all We got all 4 halibut we needed today for limits and had another that came off after a good run....
27 July 2014 Back on the halibut Back to halibut fishing after being off and on with salmon and rockfish charters and commercial salmon trolling the last...
21 July 2014 Salmon a bit scratchy but rockfishing wide open Back on the water sport fishing yesterday after almost a week of commercial salmon trolling on the other boat. Started...
14 July 2014 Bodega and Bragg the last few days – Bragg salmon big and hungry Spent the last few days in Bodega Bay for steady rockfish and lingcod fishing on thursday and Friday and looked...