Closing in on fishing season. Boat work has begun and all the tackle is just about in order. I will start the salmon season April 4th in Monterey Bay. I will be there for a week or 2 and still have a few days left if you want to book the boat for a day. I am doing full boat charters while in the Bay Area but will infill any days that aren’t booked with open load trips. Email or call to get on the open load list or book the boat for up to 6 people to be sure you get out. Salmon ocean abundance forecast is better than last year and Monterey Bay is full of bait and I imagine salmon too. Rockfish will also open early (April 1st) south of Pigeon Point this year so we may have an opportunity for combo trips or afternoon rockfishing trips. Attached is a picture of last years opening day success! 707-601-3474