14 December 2017 Its Go Time for Gift Certificates Call to get your Holiday Gift Certificates in the mail before its too late. Single spots, the whole boat, or...
02 November 2017 Tuna was great and now crab season is here Getting the boat and some gear ready for the saturday crab opener. I will be running crab trips through Thanksgiving...
07 September 2017 Crushing the albies Wow……today was the day we all dream of. flat ocean and lots of albacore, they didn’t bite all day though,...
30 August 2017 Albacore fishing we have all been waiting for I have been going full blast with alabcore fishing the last 3 days along the northern CA coast and they...
02 May 2017 Pacific Halibut season starts with a bang!! We started out the pacific halibut season great today with three nice ones by 1115. Weather had me cancel yesterday’s...