We started back on salmon fishing Thursday and have found action but many silvers and shorts out deep and anywhere from one to limits of keepers in the last 5 days. By Saturday we had great weather to look around and ended up at the Mendocino Canyon and found limits for the guys and even slid in and got 3/4 limits of lings and rockies in an hour and a half. The inside waters has had a better grade and no plankton on the lines like we have found to be an issue on the water 25 fathoms and deeper and has plenty of action. We ended up with 4 for the 3 guys yesterday but had many more bites that looked good enough to stick but didn’t. The grade landed on the inner waters has been good averaging around 10 lbs but we have seen some bigger ones that haven’t made the net this week. I have room for salmon next saturday and a combo salmon / rockfish/ lingcod on sunday if you want to get out just call. 707-601-3474