June has been a bit slower on the halibut fishing but as we near the June closure on the 15th we are getting a bit better grade. We had some days off due to weather and other fishing obligations but got back to halibut on Friday and ended the day with a nice 34 lber and a real dandy that weighed in at 69.5 lbs. That is the best one of the year I have heard of and is on the leaderboard at Englund Marine for now. The big one ate a live sanddad on a godfather rig and the same rig accounted for our other fish and 3 other missed hali bites on Friday. The salmon sign looks great out there and we will be right after it on the 16th chasing them again until the halibut opens back up on July 1st. I have room for salmon starting the 19th and for halibut starting July 2nd through July 15th.
Call Marc to get out fishin!! 707-601-3474