Pacific Halibut fishing has been steady but not wide open like most Mays this year so far. We have been getting 1-3 a day and the grade has been real good, almost all the pac halis so far this season have been from 30-45 lbs with only 3 in the teens. There were a couple days we ran for rockfish after a half day of hali fishing and we got limits of rockfish but were shy on lingcod limits. That should change by the end of the month when the lings get piled on the reefs from the deeper zones. Salmon opens this Saturday and the salmon sign is all we could hope for out there. I expect things to start and stay strong through the entire salmon season with the set up we have going on and with what is going on elsewhere in the state. The crabbing has been real solid with the strings inside and outside the bay but Monday we pulled the gear till nov. We squeezed in a few hours on the halibut grounds for one 31 lber and limits of crab for the crew and captain too but that was it this week with the wind howlin since. The downriggers and salmon gear are on the boat and she is ready to go. Weather next week looks nice and I still have room for people next thurs and Friday if you want to get out give me a ring.