Yesterday we gave it a grade A effort but the halibut did not cooperate. Fished from Manila to above Trinidad from 42-55 fathoms and not a single hali chomp, only a couple little nibbles from junk fish. Hit all my top spots on the north side and still in awe we didn’t get one. The bite has shut off completely. The season closes today until June 1st and we will be looking again. I am hoping the current changes out of the north and water clears up by then, I have a bit more confidence in those conditions for halis. The water is salmon brown and krill and whales everywhere. We found quick salmon limits the day before down at the Eel River Canyon and the guys that fished that area yesterday also had limits. It is finally coming together for the salmon bite right on time for a normal year. The nice ocean the last few days has been a treat, as have been the humpbacks. They are everywhere 60 fathoms plus and there was at least 25 of them milling over the south edge of the Eel canyon in the largest group I have ever seen. Rockfish opens today and should be great as usual. I had a salmon/rockfish combo today that had truck issues in Medford at 7pm last night and cancelled. Back out Saturday for salmon/rockfish combo and rockfish only on sunday. I have room for next week. There are good clamming tides starting Monday, if you come up to do some razor clamming we can do a late start and a halfday trip if needed or stay a couple days and do it all. Weather looks great for Monday and Tuesday still.