Got a big one

We started where we left yesterday for a single fish in the first couple hours this morning then went shopping some other real estate. We found a few here and a few there but no awesome spots to stay on. Lots of whales today…. 2 almost too close.  I had to take it out of gear to not run them over after they surfaced 40 ft off the bow…. a bit of a nervous moment but after we got back in gear we had a double and landed one right behind the whale swirls. We had the biggest of the season so far today at 24#s and the rest matching the 10-11 lbs average for the season. We ended with 9 fish for 6 guys today but had plenty of opportunities with no shows and several just coming free just before net. Still most fish coming at 180-200 but had a couple “up top” at 50 and 70 ft. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

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