Eureka Crabs Crawling

Crab trips on this Saturday (12/18)  at noon and sunday at 9am then that is it for the year and maybe the season. Call to get a spot. 707-601-3474
Finally some good weather to get the crab gear back in the water and we have been getting them tasty buggers. Not as wide open as most years but with no commercial pressure from Humboldt Bar Jettys south there is easy limits for all the folks coming out. I have soem room the next couple days if you want to get out and want to leave the gear out till Xmas but the weather starts getting big again monday into tuesday so I am going to stack it. I may reset it after the new year unless the commercial guys get their opener which is waiting on some test results from Bragg. Our crabs are clean and full and really good this year.
Call Marc to get out 707-601-3474

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