Awesome fall fishing

Last couple days down at the Lost Coast have been been classic fall days to remember! Flat seas, sunshine, big halibut, and piles of colorful rockfish and lings. We had 4 halibut to 76 lbs on Friday and limits of rockfish and lings to finish off their freezers for the winter. Yesterday had an ultra light load and we had the three halibut we needed with two over 60 lbs and a little 32 lber for the captain after kicking back two small ones under 30 lbs! Tuesday looks like more prime conditions to get to the zone that is untouched and kicks um out if you want to get out hollar at me. Crab and all depth rockfish starts at the beginning of Nov also and I’ll be running trips crab only and crab rockfish combos thru thanksgiving maybe longer for those interested.
Marc 707-601-3474

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